Detox Your Body For Healthy Skin

Do you want to have beautiful, healthy, glowing skin? Skin that is smooth, clear of blemishes and even in color?

Here’s the truth… First, you have to accept there is a no magic pill. Second, it takes making the appointment ahead of time so it actually happens. If you want beautiful healthy skin, it takes a little dedication like getting in for regular treatments as best as possible, using the right products, and most importantly a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Beautiful skin comes mostly from the inside. (Genetics is only a small part of the puzzle…bummer!)  So, HOW do we do this?  For starters, eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, getting good rest, reducing stress and ELIMINATING TOXINS!  

 It doesn’t matter if you have acnehyperpigmentation, or wrinkles, eliminating toxins improves all skin issues and helps us age slower (think less wrinkles & sagging)!  Who doesn’t want that?

It is never too late to get started!

Eliminating toxins is the first step in detoxifying your body and creating healthy beautiful skin. Exposure to toxins is everywhere – in the air, water, soil, food and consumer products. Environmental toxins are both man-made and naturally occurring chemicals that are harmful to your health.

Toxins get into your home and into your body often under the assumption products are safe. Toxins occur in non-organic foods, non-filtered water, microwaving, cleaning products, chlorine bleach, antibacterial soap, beauty products, paint, building supplies, chemicals, carpet, candles, dry cleaning and home air fresheners, to name a few.

We are slowly being poisoned and most of us are oblivious or think it is no big deal. Not only do we have to worry about outside toxins, even our own bodies excrete harmful endotoxins due to bad bacteria in our system that can disrupt healthy skin.

While some toxic products and byproducts create immediate reactions, others are seemingly harmless. But, ongoing exposure to these poisons over time creates a toxic burden on our bodies. Instead of the body eliminating toxins naturally, they can get stored in our fat cells and tissues in an attempt to protect our vital organs from damage. There comes a tipping point where an array of negative side effects triggers a domino effect that can manifest into serious health problems and skin issues.

There are five main organs involved in the detoxification or elimination process, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines and skin. If our bodies are to survive this environment, these organs must work together seamlessly.

The skin is the largest organ in our body that protects us from the outside world. It is also an eliminatory organ with sweat glands to flush out toxins and excess minerals from the body. When any one the organs involved in detoxification aren’t working properly, it can cause an excess build-up of toxins in the body showing up in the form of itching, dry/oily skin, hyperpigmentation, fine lines wrinkles, acne, eczema or other skin rashes, including rosacea and psoriasis.

Symptoms that indicate you may need detoxification include:

  • Fatigue
  • Skin rashes
  • Itching
  • Acne (especially hormonal)
  • Eczema
  • Digestion problems (bloating, constipation, diarrhea)
  • Bad breath
  • Headaches
  • PMS
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Irregular period cycles
  • Infertility
  • Brain fog
  • Weight gain or inability to lose weight
  • Chronic muscle or joint pain
  • Inflammatory conditions/diseases

Detoxification Strategies

Detoxification can be accomplished safely and easily by eating organic nutrient-dense foods and reducing your exposure to toxins.  Below is a list of additional detoxification strategies you may want to incorporate in the following months and years ahead:

  1. Eat organic nutrient-dense foods. Avoid animal products raised with antibiotics/hormones
  2. Reduce and eliminate exposure to toxins
  3. Take specific supplements to aide in detoxification
  4. Intermittent Fasting
  5. Reduce potential allergens/allergy-causing food groups
  6. Reduce candida overgrowth in the body
  7. Reduce or eliminate prescriptions and OTC medications
  8. Replace household cleaning products, toiletries and cosmetics with non-toxic alternatives
  9. Increase exercise
  10. Start dry body brushing
  11. Take Epsom salt baths
  12. Begin colonics and coffee enemas
  13. Use FAR infrared sauna therapy

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jennifer swink celebrity skin aesthetician scottsdale


I am a medical aesthetician and author of Getting Clear: Everything You Need To Know To Cure Your Acne Quickly, Easily and Naturally. I specialize in chemical peels, microneedling, dermaplaning and microdermabrasion for all skin types, with a focus on acne, aging and ethnic skin.