It’s all about transparency – in my life, and in my business.
People say I look great for 42. So what have I done? Brace yourself … and read on.

what i do to look great at 42 years old
- Hair color – every 2.5 weeks (100% grey)
- Clip in hair extensions
Permanent Makeup
- Brows and lips
- Latisse for eyelashes
- On forehead, furrows (glabella)
- Crows feet – 3x per year
- Jaw muscle (masseter muscle) for TMJ
- Laugh lines (nasal labial folds)
- Puppet lines (marionette lines) – 1x per year
Facial Products
- Marini Regeneration Booster
- JM Transformation Cream, SkinCeuticals Phloretin CF
- SC Sheer Physical SPF 50, SC Hydrating B5 Gel
- VI Derm 4% Bleaching Cream and .1% Retina A at any given time
Facial Treatments
- 1x per year photofacial for broken capillaries
- VI Peel 2x per year for brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, texture, and tone
- “Monthly Maintenance” regimen of light peel, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, and oxygenation
Body Treatments
- Airbrush tan
- Series of 2 or 3 chemical peels – 2x per year for chest, arms, hands, and tops of legs
- 3x per week lift weights 20 minutes, run/stairmaster for 30 minutes
- 1x per week Bikram Yoga
- 1x per week dance, hike, or tennis
- Fish oil and multivitamin – Xymogen
- Probiotics – Ultimate flora critical care 50 billion and Physiologics D3
- Organic greens and rice protein shakes (low glycemic index)
- Kavinace Gaba to decrease anxiety and produce sound sleep
Does it seem like I have done a lot?

Maybe so, but this is the business I am in. I am not only selling my expertise and service, but ultimately I am selling myself. Looking good is not superficial or just about attracting the opposite sex. It has a deep impact on our sense of self.
Would you take advice from someone that “talks the talk, but doesn’t walk the walk?”
What do I think about plastic surgery and liquid facelifts?
“Look good, feel good, do good.” Obviously there is more too looking good than just cosmetic procedures. A healthy diet, exercise, peace of mind, and a positive attitude play a large role. But looking good activates confidence – which is truly attractive.
There is nothing wrong with a little maintenance and cosmetic enhancements to help you look and feel your best. But, when is it too much? For me, it’s when your lips and boobs are the first to enter a room. But – to each her own!
For Mood Management & Spirituality
- 2x per month Life Coaching
- Time with great friends and my mother
- I am a Spiritual Mutt, a little bit of this, a little bit of that (from church to self improvement seminars)
- I try to meditate every morning on my intentions for the day
- Read something positive every night before bed
- Charity to get out of my own way and get into gratitude
- And yes, I eat French fries! I love burgers, margaritas, and drink coffee too!
My Motto? Live Younger Longer
- Be Transparent (whatcha see is whatcha get).
- Healthy mind, body, and soul
- Get your face and hair did!
So how do we grow older without getting “old”?
It’s simple. Eat well, exercise, manage stress and mood, and cultivate spirituality and purpose. Being young is an attitude of curiosity, a sponge for life. Travel, adventure, education, being involved and being social. And let’s not forget SEX! It’s life juice, don’t stop!